
A Balancing Act!

my poor poor neglected blog!  it has gone with out an update for far far too long.  I could give you a million excuses like a basement flood, buying a new car, bird learning how to walk and into everything…EVERYTHING ……. but really what it comes down to is i need to learn how to balance it all better.  how to set aside time to blog, to get clients, to work out….. i need to learn to give to my family while still maintaing some me time…….. it is so much harder than i ever imagined it would be.  On one hand i need time to myself and on the other i feel incredibly guilty about it.  even when i have a sitter in the other room playing with bird, giving her her full attention….. i feel like i am neglecting her.  i guess it something us parents have to learn how to deal with….. I am working on it.

a few weeks ago we took our first road trip as a family of 3 (plus baxter man of course).  We made the trek to Ohio to visit very very dear friends of ours who also have a baby girl that just so happens to only be a few months younger than Bird…… the drive was not even close to being as bad as i had imagined in mind it out to be.  Bird who normally hates the car did surprisingly well.  we decided to leave around her afternoon nap so she slept for the first two hours… woke up… we made a few stops at rest areas for some play time, then made one last stop for dinner and after that it was snooze city!  the first night in our new digs was rough to say the least but by her morning nap we were back on track……. and man-o-man did those two girls love each other!  it was so much fun to see them play and explore together.  i hope one day they grown up to be the best of friends!  here are a few pictures of our adventures.  (sarah i am so sorry it has taken me this long the share them with you!!!!)

Mike and Sarah it was so great seeing you guys and meeting Little Miss….. we had a blast!  Cant wait to see you guys in August for our Michigan trip!



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